Agents, welcome to, Papua New Guinea's number 1 online destination for Job Seekers and Agents to come together and shine. understands doing business in Papua New Guinea is tough and Human Resources can be very challenging. Our aim for Agents is to make your Recruitment Process much more efficient and economical.

In order to Post a Job on, you need to create an Account. To create an account, please use the "Create A Free Account" form by clicking here. Once you have created your account, you can login to your Account on a desktop computer and follow the simple and efficient process to set up your employer profile. If you have the information ready for your job ad, it should take you no longer than 10 minutes to post your job ad.

Alternatively, you can email your job details with your phone number and Company logo to [email protected] and we will create your employer profile and post the job ad for you.

If you have any questions, please contact us using the form below.


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