Resources to help you find your perfect job!

Resume Writing Guide

Consulting with industry experts, Open Colleges has complied this comprehensive guide on how to put together a resume. Learn how to use social media to find a job role, network, and gain and succeed at an interview. If you want to land your ultimate job role, browse the tips at


How to Write a Cover Letter

Poor cover letters. As much as we despise them, they are a chance to make a case, to cover everything we can't express in our resumes - which is a lot - and come across as real people to potential employers. Don't throw together a cover letter in the hope that nobody will actually read it. To take advantage of its full potential, follow these steps. Below that, you'll find advice on formatting, reviewing, and researching the letter as well as links to three free sample letters which you can copy and adapt to your needs ... read more >

Article provided by WikiHow. Available under the Creative Commons License


How to Make a Resume

A résumé is a self-advertisement that, when done properly, shows how your skills, experience, and achievements match the requirements of the job you want. This guide provides three free samples on which you can base your résumé. It will also walk you through setting up and laying out the content to highlight your skills and grab the reader's attention ... read more >

Article provided by WikiHow. Available under the Creative Commons License


How to Create a Resume in Microsoft Word

Resumes are lists of work experience detailing past positions held and skills learned through education or on the job. They are an important tool for those seeking new jobs in their current fields or those seeking a job in a different field that uses their current skills in a new way. Microsoft Word offers you the option of creating your resume through a template (or with a wizard in Word 2003 and earlier versions), but you can also create your resume from scratch using Word's formatting features. The following steps cover all 3 methods in how to create a resume in Microsoft Word, along with advice on what to include and not to include in your resume ... read more >

Article provided by WikiHow. Available under the Creative Commons License


How to Write an Email of Interest for a Job

Applying for jobs has changed since the Internet has become a common avenue for seeking employment. Instead of sending letters of interest and resumes through the regular mail, we often locate job postings online and then write emails to show our interest and attach our resumes to the email before sending. This is all more instantaneous, but we need to make sure that we remain professional. This is how to write an email of interest for a job ... read more >

Article provided by WikiHow. Available under the Creative Commons License


How to Write a Resume when You Have No Work Experience

So you'd like to apply to a job but don't have any past job experience. Don't despair, it's still possible to write a great resume. Everyone has to start somewhere! read more >

Article provided by WikiHow. Available under the Creative Commons License